Articles by Kurt Schlichter
Young People Will Reject Liberalism’s Lies
When the whole shoddy edifice of the progressive project collapses under its own dead weight, it will largely be because the liberals forgot to…
I Checked My Privilege, And It’s Doing Just Fine
Liberals have a new word for what normal people call “success.” They call it “privilege,” as if a happy, prosperous life is the result of some…
The Nightmare of a Defenseless America
Ironically, the blizzard of YJ-82X cruise missiles launched from the Chinese subs lying off the coast of Baja California crossed the beach…
Liberals Understand The Constitution Like Justin Bieber Understands Particle Physics
Based upon Justice Sotomayor’s bizarre dissenting opinion in the recent Michigan affirmative action case, it seems she believes that government…
Liberals Must Choose Between Freedom And Fascism
Honest liberals are having their Andrew Breitbart moment. Andrew started out as a liberal, except he was the kind of liberal that’s exceedingly…
By 2024, The Democrats Will Be An Atheist Party
Democrats are waging war on the faithful and are even comfortable booing God on national TV. Give it three more presidential election…
“Jeb Bush 2016 Is a Surefire Winner,” Says Local Unicorn
Can you feel the excitement? The Washington Post reports that all the important Republicans have decided that Jeb Bush is going to be our nominee…
Seven Hard Truths Liberals Just Don’t Want To Hear
It’s difficult to understand liberals when you don’t live in their sheltered cocoon of participation trophies, faux caring and feel-good…
Ukraine Illustrates Hard Truths Liberals Won’t Face
It’s a safe bet that the next smug liberal dork you hear repeating the cheesy cliché about how “Reality has a liberal bias” doesn’t live in…
The Tea Party Isn’t Dying – The GOP Establishment Is
If the conservative insurgency has been crushed, why was Mitch McConnell walking around onstage at CPAC with a musket? He couldn’t have sucked up…