by Kurt Schlichter | Aug 4, 2014 | Townhall
Here’s a wacky idea. Let’s win the war against our jihadi enemies. Yeah, it’s certainly an outside the box idea. All we hear right...
by Kurt Schlichter | Jul 27, 2014 | Townhall
Conservatism is the Ramones at CBGB – loud, fast and alive. In contrast, liberalism is the headliner at a state fair concert. It’s Foghat,...
by Kurt Schlichter | Jul 21, 2014 | Townhall
Liberals never met a civil right they didn't dislike. As with everything about liberal ideology, liberals’ great concern for civil rights is a...
by Kurt Schlichter | Jul 14, 2014 | Townhall
Some conservatives live to fight.They love to take their opponents down. They hate compromise and hesitation.Think Andrew Breitbart taking...
by Kurt Schlichter | Jul 7, 2014 | Townhall
The liberal attack on religion stems from envy, greed, anger and hate, just like every other precept of liberalism. Liberals envy the loyalty...